Expedited documentation and simplified compliance

DocQ makes all steps of creating and managing legal documents a breeze. Being legally compliant with eSignatures and legislation has never been this simple.

Simplicity and speed for all your legal and compliance needs

Whether your process involves creating, editing, reviewing, approving, or obtaining eSignatures and archiving legally binding contracts, DocQ expedites the entire process like never before and ensures that you can stay legally compliant in any industry.

Simplified contracting process

Generate documents like contracts, NDA, agreements and even quotes at the click of a button by using templates. Data about your customers, deals and agreements is automatically loaded from your CRM, ERP, or any other data warehouse. The Decision Engine chooses terms and clauses automatically and you never lose track of redlining an agreement with our built-in approval workflows.

Easy compliance in any industry

An audit trail that keeps track of every action on and version of documents makes it easy to be legally compliant, whether it is your sales, marketing, or administrative teams. You can even define data retention policies, or renewal timelines so DocQ handles it all automatically. HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA and many other legal compliances are just a single click away.

Secure and legally binding eSignatures

Unlike other platforms, every signature on DocQ uses a digital certificate to assert identity and prove integrity. You can even use third party tools to confirm if a signature is valid. DocQ makes it simple for your eSignatures to be legally compliant across global legislations and provable without a doubt in any court.

Never lose track of important contracts

No more fiddling with communications to find the latest signed agreement or when to renew it. DocQ reminds you when a contract is up for renewal and can even initiate the process automatically. If you need documents or data within to be archived or deleted after some time, DocQ will even let you automate the retention policies.

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