Automated, secure and dependable eSignatures

Seamlessly obtain signatures on all PDF or Word documents and within any workflow. DocQ eSignatures use digital certificates, making these the most secure and dependable signatures.

eSignatures made for the remote-work age

No more shuffling through emails and documents or chasing recipients to sign documents. DocQ eSignatures are designed for the remote-work age. Embed eSignatures into templates, associate them with workflows, and let DocQ automatically collect signatures for you.

Untether yourself from the desk and get your contracts moving wherever you and your customers are.

Digital signature certificates

Unlike other platforms, every signature on DocQ uses a digital certificate to assert identity and prove integrity. You can even use third party tools to confirm if a signature is valid. If you have your own digital certificates, DocQ will let you import those too. Security and integrity of your data has never been more important.

Signatures in templates and forms

Create beautiful PDF and Word document templates, with embedded eSignature fields in them. DocQ will automatically obtain the necessary signatures via your custom-built workflows, or when you share a document. You can even create web-forms from these documents to obtain signatures.

eSignatures connected to your software

Use our out-of-the-box integrations to connect any of your software with eSignatures. Extend the functionality of any software by using DocQ’s robust APIs and obtaining signatures anywhere.

Never lose track of important contracts

No more fiddling with communications to find the latest signed agreement or when to renew it. DocQ reminds you when a contract is up for renewal, and can even initiate the process automatically.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are DocQ’s electronic signatures secure?

Yes! Unlike other eSignature platforms, DocQ uses digital certificates for every signature. These cryptographically secure certificates confirm the legitimacy of each document and signature. They are also tied to each signer so you can always prove who signed a document.

Can I verify the signature of a file in third party tools?

DocQ uses the leading digital signature standards built for PDF files. This means that you can use third party tools, like Adobe Acrobat, to verify the integrity of documents and signatures obtained via DocQ.

Are your eSignatures legally binding?

Modern legislation means that in most countries some form of eSignatures are legally accepted. Many countries also require digital certificates issued by a government authorized agency to be used for digital signing. Luckily, DocQ lets you use such digital certificates, thereby making it legally acceptable.

Can I use my own digital certificate?

Yes! DocQ supports TLS digital certificates issued by all certificate authorities. Speak to your account representative today to get your digital certificates configured in DocQ. If you don’t have one, we will even issue one for you.

Can I prove who signed a document?

Built-in audit trails mean that you can easily prove who signed a document, when and even prove the legitimacy of a signature based on the digital certificate associated with the document. If you need an extended identity verification of document signers, we can support this too.

What type of documents can I sign with DocQ?

All documents are converted to PDF before they are sent for signatures. This secures the document against tampering. This means that any document that you can upload to DocQ, can be signed; this includes, PDF, Word, Excel, PNG, JPEG, and many other formats.

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